The Alpha Scale

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I am going to sketch out one of the coolest things I’ve ever done. I’m not kidding—this is awesome. This will show you exactly where you fall in terms of being a beta male, an Alpha Male 1.0, or an Alpha Male 2.0.

-By Caleb Jones

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This is something I sketched out three or four years ago on one of my blogs, but this will be the updated, more mathematically accurate version. This is going to help you a lot in terms of visualizing the different types of Alpha Males vs. beta males.

As I always talk about, there are three types of men: There are beta males, which are most guys, there are Alpha Males 1.0, and there are Alpha Males 2.0. What really differentiates these three types of men is how much confidence they have and what level of outcome independence they have. You already know what confidence means. Outcome independence means you don’t give a fuck. You don’t care. The more you care, the angrier and stressed out you’re going to get, and the more drama, conflict, and problems you’re going to have in your life.

The Alpha Male 2.0 is someone who’s very confident and very outcome independent.

The Alpha Male 1.0 is very confident, strong, and capable, but he has low outcome independence. He gives a shit. He cares a lot about who’s going to win this upcoming election, for example. He cares a lot about what the woman he’s dating is going to be doing this Thursday night. He cares a lot about what everyone is doing in his life, and if anyone does anything wrong (according to him), he gets pissed off. So he’s a strong, confident guy, but he’s outcome dependent.

The beta male is low on both scales. He has no confidence—he’s a pussy, he’s fearful, and he cares a lot. He’s very outcome dependent.

Now, there is a fourth combination that I’ve not covered: What happens if you are not confident, but you are outcome independent? There’s no such thing as that. It’s not possible to have low confidence and high outcome independence. Outcome independence is limited by the amount of confidence you have.

I wanted to explain that first because it’ll put the rest of this into context.

Here’s how this works. Visualize a line graph: On the vertical axis, your outcome independence rates between a 1 and a 10. The higher you are on that axis, the less you give a shit. The lower you are on the axis, the more you care about everything.

On the horizontal axis, you have your confidence on a scale from 1 to 10. The farther you are to the right on this axis, the more confident you are in yourself.

Now as I said, you cannot be outcome independent if you have no confidence. That creates a no-man’s-land on the graph into which you would fall if it was possible to be outcome independent without having confidence—which, again, it isn’t. Confidence is the delimiter to your outcome independence.

Beta Males

Where do beta males fit on this chart? The beta male’s confidence on a scale of 1 to 10 will top out around 7.5—that’s as far as he’ll ever get. There are "cool betas" who come across as reasonably confident, but as soon as they get home to their wives, they are truly betas. Their wives and bosses run their lives. Anything above about 7.5, and he’d be an Alpha Male. In terms of outcome independence, the highest beta males get on a 10-point scale is about a 4 (if that).

So to see where beta males fall on the graph, merge the 4 on the outcome independence (vertical) axis with the 7.5 on the confidence (horizontal) axis, and it forms a small rectangular area toward the bottom of the chart. All beta males will fall somewhere in this area, and if that’s you, you can plot out where you fall based on your own confidence and outcome independence. My rough but educated guess is that about 70% of men fall into this category.

Alpha Males 1.0

Where do Alpha Males 1.0 land on the chart? Remember, these guys are very confident, but they’re also very outcome dependent; they give a shit about everything. Their outcome independence will rate about 4 or below, but their confidence will rate above a 7.5, putting their area on the chart just to the right of beta males if you graph it out.

These are strong, confident men who get really pissed off anytime something in their life doesn’t go the way they want. An extreme example of an Alpha Male 1.0, whose confidence appears to be around 10 but whose outcome independence is 4 or below, would be Donald Trump. He is off-the-charts confident but ridiculously outcome dependent, constantly worried and pissed off about every little thing in his life. A more standard Alpha Male 1.0 would have a confidence rating of 8 or 9 with an outcome independence of around 3.

Alpha Males 2.0

What’s left on the chart is the Alpha Male 2.0. He is someone of high outcome independence and a high degree of confidence. If that’s you, you are a strong, confident Alpha Male, but you don’t give a fuck. If you go on a first date with a woman who’s a 10 (according to you), you don’t give a rat fuck what happens on that date or what she thinks. No matter what happens there, you don’t care.

As a rule, Alpha Males 2.0 don’t give a shit about any one individual interaction or any one individual transaction. This also applies to business. I’m sure you guys in the business world have, for instance, talked to a salesperson, and you could tell they really fucking needed the sale. That salesperson would be down in the Alpha Male 1.0 or beta male range.

But maybe you were talking to someone who was calm, cool, collected, didn’t give a shit, relaxed, but very confident—that’s an Alpha Male 2.0.

You need to figure out where you are on this chart. I have; my confidence is easily a 10, and my outcome independence is more like an 11. If anything, I sometimes cause trouble because I care so little.

A beginner Alpha Male 2.0 would have mid-level confidence and mid-level outcome independence both. Likewise, a recovering Alpha Male 1.0 is very confident, but he’s still working on his outcome independence.

Your objective, if you follow this material, is to find your way out of the two boxes labeled “beta male” and “Alpha Male 1.0.” To give you an example, when I first started, my confidence was about a 5 with an outcome independence rating of around 3. I quickly moved up in confidence while working on my outcome independence, and it took me a few years to get where I am now.

The process of moving upward on this chart will take a few years, and that’s fine. The point is that now you have a visual representation of where you fall in these two categories. Every man you know falls somewhere on this graph.

And here’s the beauty of it: You can decide where you reside on this chart. This is not one of those “That’s just how I am!” type things. No—if you hate being a beta male, you can move up into Alpha Male 2.0 territory if you work at it. You can! It takes time and effort, but it’s worth it. Now that you know where you are, you know where you need to go.

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