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Bitcoin’s Recent Crash

Bitcoin, along with most other cryptocurrencies, has plummeted lately. It recently descended into the $3,000s after being over $18,000 just a year ago. Other cryptos have been even worse. Bitcoin Cash was over $3,000 a year ago, and now it’s at about $180. Ethereum...

A Dragon In Argentina

“Don’t cry for me Argeeeeeeeeeeeeentina! The truth is I neeeever left you!” (I’ve been singing that song while here.) Of all the cities I’m visiting on this Latin America trip, Buenos Aires is the one I’ve wanted to visit for the longest time. While I’m pretty sure...

Overview of How Five Flags Works

Above you’ll see a handy dandy flowchart (click it to zoom) that I actually had to set up for myself to keep my thoughts straight on all this stuff as I implement it. Five flags is a way in which you can minimize your taxes, maximize your freedom, and maximize your...

A Dragon In Paraguay

Flying into Asunción, the largest and capital city of the country of Paraguay, you see nothing but green, jungle-like landscape as far as the horizon. Then you see this little city poking out from the middle of nowhere. “The middle of nowhere” is pretty apt. Deep into...

Is The “Customer Always Right”?

You’ve heard it many times: The customer is always right. This is probably one of the most well-known pieces of business advice there is. But is it accurate? Is the customer always right? From a technical standpoint, obviously the answer is no. My first real job was...