Marrying A Non-Western Woman Won’t Work

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A concept that’s growing in popularity with exasperated Western men is to go outside of the West to find a young, cute girl from a distant, non-Western country, marry her, and bring her back home to live in marital monogamous bliss for the rest of your life. “I didn’t marry one of those white Western bitches, so problem solved!”

-By Caleb Jones

Sorry, pal. Problem not solved. I’ve discussed this topic several times before about how that won’t work, and today I’m going to give you two real-life examples that demonstrate exactly why this won’t work. I have many stories like this I could tell you, but I think these two are among the best examples I can give.

Story One: The Russian Bride
A man I’ll call James, a close friend and co-worker of mine, is an Alpha Male 1.0. He was decent looking, confident, and had no real problem getting dates with women or getting laid. As an Alpha 1.0, his preferred dating style was serial monogamy. He would have sex with a few women, find one he really liked, quickly get oneitis, and get monogamous. He would cheat on her of course, sometimes getting caught and sometimes not.

This kind of relationship would last anywhere from six months to two or three years, at which point there would be a huge, dramatic break up with lots of drama and chaos. Then he’d brag about how “pumped he was to be single again,” bang a bunch of new girls, find a new one he liked, get oneitis, get monogamous, and repeat the entire process all over again. As I’ve talked about in my book, this is the standard dating model for the Alpha Male 1.0 that I’ve seen a thousand times. (You probably have too).Being a more right-wing guy and a semi-regular manosphere reader, he quickly got tired of “white women” or “Western women” who were all “bitches,” “not respectful,” and “not loyal.” He decided he wanted to get married to a woman who wasn’t from the West, and began his quest for his Unicorn Woman.

I warned him that his plan wouldn’t work. He snorted and said I was no expert on marriage (despite the fact that I was married for nine years and he had never been married at all), and that while many of my concepts were accurate, I was oversimplifying things and was "not always right." Uh huh. So I did what I always do when normal people say that to me; I smiled, sat back, and waited for everything to blow up in his face, hoping that maybe the delusional dumbass might learn something that way. I tried to place a wager on his plan not working so I could at least make some money from his foolishness, but unfortunately I could find no takers. (Dammit!)

Like me, he had a thing for blonde women, thus decided that his future perfect, loyal, feminine, respectful wife should be from Russia. He hit up several Russian/Eastern European dating sites (I don't recall which ones) and started contacting young girls. Having read several manosphere sites, he made sure to focus only on Russian women who lived in small towns instead of large cities, in order to find as conservative and uncorrupted a girl as possible.Using some of the techniques from my new online dating manual, he eventually found a girl he really liked. (Call me Cupid. I bring love to the world.) She was 21 years old and from a small town east of Moscow. I’ll spare you the details, but excitedly, he flew over to Russia. He started hanging out with her and having sex with her, as he flew back and forth to Russia a handful of times. Eventually he flew her out to the US and moved her in, via various legal processes that are far beyond me. He spent a decent amount of money doing all of this crap, but he never gave me any precise figures when I asked him.They immediately began working on their wedding and her citizenship (or her permanent residency status, not sure which).

She was, of course, super beautiful, very sweet, very traditional, and appeared to be the perfect 1950s housewife-slave James had always wanted. Her English was pretty bad, but she was able to communicate with English speakers well enough. She was Russian, so there was drama in their relationship (Russian women are high-drama, which is one of the reasons I stopped dating them a few years ago), but James, being an Alpha 1.0 and thus not considering happiness as his highest priority, didn’t consider this a dealbreaker.

Everything was fine for about a year and a half(?), until one day James found messages on her phone communicating with another man. (As an Alpha Male 1.0, he compulsively checked her phone and Facebook semi-regularly.) Long story short, she had met this guy through some of her new American friends and was seeing him on the side, though I don’t know if they were actually having sex. He wasn’t better looking than James, and he was a beta, but he was both older and had more money.

As you might imagine, nuclear explosions went off in their relationship. They even become physically violent with each other (ah, monogamy). After much arguing, screaming, fighting, and bullshit, they “tried to make it work” and continued their relationship.
A few months later she moved out, and moved right in with Mr. Rich Beta.
Later, he admitted that he should have listened to me. (Of course. How many times have I been told that?)
Yet, it didn’t quite sink in, because the last time I talked to him, he was on Asian dating sites looking to do this all over again, this time with a woman from SE Asia.
That won’t work either.
Here’s some proof...Story Two: The Converted Asian

This story is about me. As an Alpha Male 2.0, I’ve never looked for a traditional wife of course, but I have had several long-term nonmonogamous relationships with women over the years, some of them white Western girls and some of them not.
As longtime readers know, I once had a years-long relationship with a younger Asian woman I called HBM. She was Filipino and almost “fresh off the boat” when I first met her and started seeing her as a FB. She was beautiful, very skinny, and had long, dark Asian hair. Racially, she was 100% Filipino, but she actually looked like some kind of Japanese mix. Most other Asians, including other Filipinos, could not identify her race (which was a good thing in my opinion, since I don’t consider Filipino women attractive; she was an odd exception).
She was very Asian and not Western at all. She had a very thick accent, often made mistakes with her English, only ate the traditional Asian food of her homeland, only spent time with other Asians, and was 100% Asian in her life outlook, focusing on Asian priorities like college, marriage, and obeying her oppressive family.

The only reason she was seeing me was because when she was younger in the Philippines, she had fantasies about dating a big, masculine, white man with blue eyes. I’m a big, masculine, white man with blue eyes, so there you go.Despite this, she would regularly complain about how fat, lazy, and unhealthy Americans were. She was specifically disgusted about how Americans ate “nasty food” like bread, chips, cheese, cream, and “greasy meat,” rather than the “healthy food” (as she pronounced it, “hell-tee fut”) Asians like her ate, such as pure meat, fresh vegetables, and rice. The entire concept of eating something like pizza (“bread with slimy cheese and greasy meat on it”), or a hamburger, (“greasy meat, slimy cheese, and nasty shit like ketchup, mashed between two slabs of bread”) were abhorrent to her. Even watching other people eat bread or cheese made her visibly wince.

I thought it was pretty funny. None of this affected nor bothered me, since as a FB we never went out to eat. Much later, when she got older and I slowly upgraded her to MLTR, we would only go to Asian restaurants, which was cool with me. I love Asian food (because I love all food; it’s my last remaining problem).

Over the years, her attitude started to change. As I’ve talked about before, cultural Societal Programming is the strongest type of Societal Programming there is. If you live in the West, particularly in America, your entire view regarding things like marriage and food are going to change, and change radically. There’s no stopping it.
She started hanging out with white girls more often, white guys more often, and even some black guys too. One day, she told me she actually had some pizza(!) while at a friend’s house. I asked her if she liked it, and she said it was okay, but it was still a little “gross.”

More time went by. Soon, she started eating food like pizza, cheeseburgers, chips, cake, and cookies. She would see a big picture of a pizza and say in her accent, “Oh my gott, I want dat fuckin’ pit-za, dude.” (She had a foul mouth; it was hilarious.) She started drinking coffee and quickly became addicted, craving it and drinking it every morning before work. (Years later I would watch my own teenage daughter go through the same thing; become hopelessly addicted to the one hyper-addictive drug, besides alcohol, that is societally acceptable: coffee.)

Since many of her friends smoked weed, she started smoking it as well, and would semi-regularly smoke it when she hung out with them. This would just make her hungrier.
By the time we finally stopped seeing each other years later, she had gained over 35 pounds, possibly more. Her formerly perfect, shapely, model-like face became round and pudgy. Her formerly flat, washboard stomach now had multiple little rolls of fat that I would playfully pinch. She still had her Asian accent, but her speech patterns were littered with Western slang like “OMG,” and “Are you serious?” and “Whatever,” and “Hey, what’s up girl?” She still ate and enjoyed her Asian food, but most of her food was typical American crap.
She looked Asian, but she had become Western. Her inevitable transformation was complete.

It’s important for me to state that none of this bothered me, and none of this was the reason we stopped seeing each other. As usual with women I’ve dated, we’re still friends to this day and there are no hard feelings. (She's currently with an extreme beta and is engaged; again, she's following the typical, predictable pattern.) I also realize that over time, most women gain weight because that’s what Western women do.

I wasn't bothered by any of this, but I’m saying that this would have really bothered you if you’re one of these right-wing manosphere types looking for a Unicorn Woman from outside the West to be your perfect, loyal, traditional wife.
I’ll say it again: cultural Societal Programming is the strongest type of Societal Programming there is. The spilt second you bring your non-Western wife or girlfriend over to the West, her conversion to that same type of Western woman you’re fed up with will begin. In short order, she’ll be just as Western as any of the other white American/European girls in your city. You will have wasted your time, money, and emotions for no reason other than your own stupid, delusional, guy-Disney fantasies.
Unless you plan on locking up your non-Western wife in some remote cabin in Montana where she has no access to your culture (yes, some desperate men have actually suggested insanity like this), this conversion process is unavoidable.

When I talked about the only nine options men have as they age, I described one non-Western option that does work. That is, to marry a non-Western woman in her home country and then stay in her home country forever. Instead of bringing her back from Cambodia, you move to Cambodia and stay there with her for the rest of your life. That can work, and I’ve seen several men pull this off. As just one example, one of my proofreaders is a white Western guy who permanently moved to the Philippines and married a Filipino woman there. That was six years ago and they’re still going strong, very happy and very solid. I could give you many more examples.

But! Bringing that non-Western woman back to the West and expecting her to not “go Western” and eventually cheat on your and/or divorce your ass is stupid beyond belief. Don’t do it.

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