Men Are Evil Because Jennifer Lopez Says So

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Update: Though it was critically panned (and for good reason), this ridiculous movie was one of the most profitable movies of 2015. People loved it. Insane.  It's rare I see anti-man propaganda these days that surprises me, but it still occasionally happens. As I've said before, this stuff is going to get much worse before it gets better, and this movie trailer is just more acceleration towards that end.

-By Caleb Jones

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It's a movie trailer for The Boy Next Door starring Jennifer Lopez. I shall summarize its happy messages for you:

Evil Husband cheats on Innocent Wife. (And Innocent Wife's Best Friend tries to convince her to leave him, just as I've said usually happens.) Because, you know, Men Are Evil™. Evil Husband convinces Innocent Wife to stay anyway. Because, you know, she's so Innocent, and Evil Husband is so manipulative. Because, you know, Men Are Evil™.

Evil Hot Younger Guy starts to seduce Innocent Wife. Because, you know, Men Are Evil™. Innocent Wife likes the attention she gets because no other man ever hits on her ever. He says she's beautiful and she replies, "That's the nicest thing anyone has said to me in a long time." Read that again. No man ever hits on a woman who looks just like J-Lo and teaches high school. Ever. Evil Hot Younger Guy is the only one who's ever done that. Um hm.

Innocent Wife fucks Evil Hot Younger Guy, who is an underage student at her school, which makes her guilty of both a statutory crime and a violation of teacher rules and ethics. But it wasn't her fault. He seduced her. She had no control over her actions. She was "vulnerable" and "wasn't thinking clearly," therefore not her fault. Cleverly, the movie casts a 27 year-old man in the role of Evil Hot Younger Guy so it doesn't look weird when they have sex. Consider this: imagine if they had cast a 16 or 17 year-old male actor instead, which would have been accurate to the role. But oh no, they can't do that, because that would make Innocent Wife look like a child molester. No, no. Can't have that. She's the Innocent hero of our story and we're too busy making men look bad in this movie. Because, you know, Men Are Evil™.

Evil Hot Younger guy gets really Evil when Innocent Wife rebuffs him. So he goes after her and makes her life a living hell. Oh no! How sad we must now feel for Innocent Wife, our Innocent hero. Because, you know, Men Are Evil™. While it's not in the trailer, if the movie follows standard Hollywood formula, Evil Hot Younger Guy will get killed at the end, or at least thrown in prison. Good riddance! Yay! Our Innocent hero wins! Because, you know, Men Are Evil™.

With the exception of the animated movie Brave, I can't remember something this anti-man within the mainstream. What a depressing pile of shit.
Jennifer Lopez has a penchant for these kinds of movies. In 2002 she did a movie called Enough, where she literally, and I mean literally, marries a Perfect Guy who is Perfect throughout the entire time they're dating, and the instant they get married he starts to beat her up for no reason. The "twist" of the movie is that she starts working out, lifting weights, and learning martial arts, and beats the shit out of him at the end of the movie. The End. I'm not exaggerating in any way; that's exactly what happens.

The danger of Societal Programming like this is that 90% of the people watching this movie, or even just the above trailer, are completely unaware of the false and negative programming that's going on in their brains when they view this kind of garbage.

This includes men too. Recently I read a comment on a blog written by a man defending "rape culture", something I debunked thoroughly over a year ago. His comment is here, and I have not edited any of the quoted text below to ensure I'm quoting him in context:

As a 28 year old guy with many single friends (most of whom are fairly liberal), I can tell you feminism is still VERY necessary and that it's not totally unfair to group all men in general as being part of the problem. The reason for this can be summed up in two words: Rape Culture (sorry for the buzz word)

Many people think that all rapists are evil strangers hiding in bushes and attacking women late at night, but most rapes are perpetrated by either friends or friends-of-friends. And while only a few individuals may commit the actual rape, the onus is on all men to prevent the culture that allows it to happen in the first place. To give an example, I was at a party a few weeks ago and while talking about a girl at the party, one of the guys said "No doubt she's getting my D tonight." Then, all the guys laughed (myself included, I felt bad about it later), but the proper response is to tell him to stfu. Why? Because by laughing every guy there gave him tacit approval to pursue intercourse at all costs with this woman and could have led him to commit a rape (didn't happen this time).

I'm sure the man writing this is a normal, intelligent individual. Yet due to Societal Programming like these ridiculous Jennifer Lopez movies, he honestly believes that a guy making a quick sex joke equals encouraging rape. Hilariously he notes that it "didn't happen this time." Yeah, ya think? Amazing. Couldn't the joking guy have been talking about consensual sex, which, by the way, women love and crave? No. It must have been about rape. Because, you know, Rape Culture™.

Also note that this guy is a left-winger, or at least hangs out in that crowd. That's not a coincidence, folks. Though I have major disagreements with right-wing conservatives it's the lefties who are the ones propagating this anti-man crapola.

Look, society is already screwed and has already made its choice a very long time ago, but you need to be consciously aware of this garbage. When you see crap like this in the media throughout your day-to-day life, you need to remind yourself of what this. It is false information. It is garbage. It is Societal Programming whose only function is to further the agenda of the elites. It will harm you in very real ways if you don't consciously identify the information for what it really is and really does to you. Otherwise, the SP will have done its insidious work, and one day you'll scream "rape culture!" at one of your buddies when he makes a joke about his dick. And just remember; this stuff is going to get worse. Much worse. Just ask J-Lo here.

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